Mallo Cup
3 reviews
Soft whipped marshmallow-filled chocolate cups.
Created by the Boyer Brothers in 1936 - over 80 years!
Cassie I’m 75 years young and have been eating Mallo cups ever since I can remember
I grew up in WV & this was my first “store bought’ candy
I now live in GA & can’t find it
While recently returning to WV I came across my most delicious favorite treat of all time
I actually bought the the case the lady had
-:) it has brought back memories as I’ve enjoyed each delicious bite
Thank you for a wonderful product all these years
Margaret Corwin I first encountered Mallo Cups my first year in high school. Loved them the first time I ate them.
Roxann navarro I would love to try this, but for 2.99 per each, no thanks