Chocolate Fortunes - BOX
Celebrate every occasion and get together. We missed them the last few years.
It's been a while since you've been able to have them over, right?
Your bestie, your favorite school moms, or even just your favorite neighbors.
The last time we had our neighbors for chat and beverages - we pulled out the fortune cookies - to pass around. We laughed and hooted and hollered about the fortunes we each recieved. We even played "the fortune cookie game" to make it extra fun.
The conversation flowed easily and fast, as these great conversation starters pushed our visit along. What a great night!
Everyone loves reading their fortune - there is even a game about it!
Well, we have made it even funner!
Chocolate-dipped Fortune Cookies are perfect for your next dinner party, hostess gift, and fun treat. I can't wait to see what's coming up next for you!
Includes dipped cookies in a Chinese food container.
How fun!