Licorice Laces
Remember these?
By far - these were my jam when I was a kid. I think I have shared it before, but if not…
When I was a kid - I grew up on Long Island, we would go on vacation to Loon Lake, in upstate New York near Lake George. We had relatives that owned house-keeping cottages on the lake. It was pretty rustic, no tv, and no heat in the cabins. It was equipped with a hand pump water well (nope you didn’t drink the water from the tap).
Anyway, we would make the 20 minute trek to Lake George and walk around the downtown. This was the tourist mecca for upstate New York - and still remains as such today. We would play mini golf, go in and out of the shops, do spin art, and we were allowed to get something for dessert. Our choice! I would look and look - but in the end I would wind up with a knot of Red licorice laces. Strawberry laces. I would buy it as a knot and they would place it in a paper bag. And that bag was mine! One of the main reasons the candy store still has paper bags.
What did I Iove about them? That they took a long time to eat and they tasted good! I would unwind the knot, take out one lace, and nibble away until it was gone. Then I would start again!
Nowadays Laces are still available. There are other versions too…
Licorice Wheels. Which are two laces rolled up tight together.
Rainbow Laces.
Didi you love licorice as a kid? Do you still enjoy it?
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