10 Ways to Celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Day
Even the Smallest Gesture Can Make Someone's Day...
Did you know? February 17th is Random Acts of Kindness Day!
It's no secret that we could use some more kindness in the world. And, obviously, our lives are busy. Sometimes we forget how important it is to look out for each other.
RAKD is special, because it reminds us that spreading kindness doesn't have to be a big, daunting task. It can be simple. It can be done in five minutes (or five seconds!). It can be done anywhere you are––at work, at school, at the grocery store. A kind gesture––no matter how small––can go a long way towards making someone's day brighter.
And just think: if everyone did one small thing today, all of those small things would come together and make the world a little kinder.
Don't you agree?
So, in honor of Random of Acts of Kindness Day, we've made a list of ten things you can do to spread kindness––today and every day.
1. Write an uplifting note
The next time you're in a public bathroom, add an encouraging sticky note to the mirror. The next person in will find it and, hopefully, take it to heart!
2. Call someone and tell them you love them
Just because. It could be a relative you haven't spoken to in forever––and they'll be SO happy to hear from you.
3. Buy a gift card for the person behind you
Who wouldn't appreciate that? Even if it's only $5, the person behind you in line (at the grocery store, or wherever you are), will know that you thought of them.
4. Leave a good review
Have you ever received exceptional service, but just never got around to telling someone about it? Take the time to tell their manager, or leave a review that mentions their name.
5. Leave a treat for your mail carrier
Mail carriers work hard! Leave them something as a way of saying "thank you."
6. Compliment a stranger
Have you ever gotten a compliment that made you feel good for a long time afterwards? Share that feeling with someone else.
7. Make a friend feel loved
This one may take a little more time––but it's totally worth it. Think of everything you love about a friend (or a partner, or a relative) and write each thing down on a small piece of paper. Fill a container with the notes and surprise them with it!
8. Introduce yourself to your neighbors
Can you say that you've talked with everyone who lives on your street? Strike up a conversation with someone new. You never know––you could make a new friend!
9. Buy treats for your coworkers or classmates
On your way to work or school, pick up some treats to hand out as an afternoon pick-me-up.
10. Share some Candy Love!
We may be biased, but we're pretty sure that candy is a guaranteed way to make someone happy. Surprise a friend by sending some in the mail (send a custom candy box!) Leave some for a neighbor to find when they get home (try one of these if you want to make them smile), or gift some to someone in the community.
Are you feeling inspired?
We want to hear about your random acts of kindness! Let us know what you plan to do in the comments.
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